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Federzeichnung von Eberhard Panitz 1970
Andalusian impressions
Pen and ink drawing by E. Panitz ( 1970 )

On this page some programs are provided as pdf-file:

Soloprogramm 1972 [2 pages]

Zither und Gitarre 1987 (Open Air) [4 pages]

Soloprogramm 1989 [one page]

Tourneeprogramm 1991 [4 pages]

Stadtbibliothek 2001 [one page]

spanisches Kulturzentrum 2003 [2 pages]

lange Nacht der Museen 2004 [one page]

Tarrega Gedenkkonzert 2009 [3 pages]

... last but not least:
Programs in the archive of the LaGo-site
"What would I be without you, friend audience?
All my feeling soliloquy, all my joy mute."
( Johann Wolfgang von Goethe )
© Eberhard Panitz nix
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